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Guest Audio Concept



En nyhet som kommer att tilltala de som söker high-end spelare är nya cd/sacd spelaren från EMMLabs, - CDSA.

Saxat från pressreleasen...

The CDSA SE is a single-box, dual-format player that upsamples all incoming CD audio to double the native DSD rate—something no other player has done before. In other words, 44.1kHz signals are internally processed at 5.6448MHz. This is reported to have enormous sonic benefits for CD audio reproduction.

“We’ve made significant advances in the area of CD playback,” said company partner Andreas Koch. “CD now sounds remarkably like SACD,” he continued.

“There’s a level of resolution and refinement to both that you won’t find in any other player.”

Also responsible for that refinement is Meitner’s discrete dual differential D-to-A conversion circuit. “Since this is a statement product, we weren’t going to be shackled by the limitations of off-the-shelf dac chips from Burr Brown, Crystal, and the like,” said Koch. Instead, EMM developed its own proprietary dac circuitry that is “free from the differential non-linearities present in every D/A chip created to date.”

The CDSA also features the company’s new aerospace-grade composite laminate circuit board that is said to provide several performance advantages over conventional board materials.

Investering 99 000.- (kommer att visas på mässan i Febuari)

mvh, Audio Concept


Kul! :)

Tidiga utlåtanden från USA säger att detta är något riktigt extra.. Den påstås vara bättre än den klassiska CDSD+DCC2-kombinationen (i standardutförande, inte Signature!) och det säger ju inte lite då vi pratar om en halv prislapp. :)

Guest Audio Concept


den kan nog bli riktigt kul. Den är på väg in och räcknas vara här om en vecka eller så...

mvh, Audio Concept

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