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These speakers are very, very accurate. They compel a person to dare to compare the sound they produce to the actual recorded event. They do not have any severe shortcomings - top-to-bottom they are not bright, etched, cold, warm, or dull-sounding - and their features are many: top-to-bottom they have loads of detail, with a flatter frequency response than most (with perhaps the slightest dip in the upper mids) and are very, very transparent. They are small and easy to position and forgiving of imperfect room acoustics. They are just the tiniest bit hard to drive in the bass (but not as hard as the Kharma Grand Ceramiques, for example) and have a tendency towards small soundstage width and a somewhat lean/tight sound. Our suggestion would be to pair them with an amplifier/source that is somewhat more bloomy than what one desires, and one that has good control over the bass. Also, positioning them near the front wall and pointed straight ahead removes any trace of leanness and opens up the soundstage nicely. These speakers are so revealing and so accurate - they are like the Valhalla of speakers - feed them the right stuff and they are magnificent.

What makes these speakers design so special is the optimization of three aspects of the speaker's construction.

The use of state-of-the-art Acuton ceramic drivers for the bass as well as the midrange and highs (tweeter optionally a diamond tweeter) generates a consistent, almost extreme level of detail from the bottom octave to the extreme highs - making the sound accurate and very lifelike at all frequencies.

Then their is a the enclosure, whose shape and construction minimize resonance and generates a waveform like that of very small speakers - and creates a 360 degree sound field that makes this speakers disappear and creates a tangible 'solidity' to the instruments in the soundstage that is almost spooky.

Finally, the crossover somehow is able to take the nasty edge off of the ceramic drivers - which can be almost too responsive and sound a little 'crispy' in some speakers, while removing little if any of their detail.

The Coltrane is the only Marten Design speaker with a carbon-based fiber enclosure - their others being smaller speakers, which also use ceramic drivers. The Coltranes are fairly lightweight and easy to move and











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Dom första 6 bilderna är från Neli och Mikes butik Audio Federation i Boulder, Colorado. Ett trevligt par som vi träffade på CES förra året.

Coltranehögtalarna dom hade (dom är sålda) var dom första som landade i USA i december 2002 och det var dom spelade på CES förra året.

På årets CESmässa var det Coltrane Alto som det spelades med nästan hela tiden.

Coltranehögtalarna med frontar i Lönn fanns med på årets CESmässa och blev sålda till Audio Federation.

Dom övriga bilderna är alltså från årets CESmässa.

Dom Altohögtalare som finns på dessa bilder var ett par prototyper som åkte hem till Sverige igen. Dom ser inte riktigt likadan ut längre.

Staivfoten har kortats lite framtill och hörnen har rundats av.

Basreflexportarna som syns på bilden finns inte längre.

Staivbenet är basreflexrör i dag och mynnar ner mot golvet.

Och framifrån frontarna kommer dom att se lite annorlunda ut.

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