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Hoppsan - det här ska bli väldigt spännade!!

Jag har lite koll på Alex eftersom jag har en Sony modifierad av Allen på Vacuumstate. Allen och Alex är konkurrenter/vänner eftersom de båda moddar universpelare.

Alex version av UX-1 lära vara något i hästväg. I princip är det bara drivverket och chassiet som är original. EMM Labs får se upp...


De sier at APLs versjon får UX-1 til å høres ut som en 100 dollars DVD-spiller :cool: De som har hørt den sier den overgår alt digitalt de noensinne har hørt, de fleste sier at den også er bedre enn analog, den spiller med det beste fra analoglyd og digitallyd. Jeg sendte penger i dag så nå står jeg som nr. 4 på ventelista til Alex :)


Da er pengene mottatt av Alex Peychev. Så får vi håpe den kommer KJAP.

"Hey Mr. Nilsen,

I've received your deposit. Thank you!"

"Yes, you are 4th on the list. It will be ready somewhere at the end of



Alex Peychev


Tel. (510) 972 0067

Email: alex@aplhifi.com

Web: www.aplhifi.com"


Gratulerer med ny spiller viking!

Regner med det blir noen ord om lyden når den tid kommer :)


Gratulerer med ny spiller viking!

Regner med det blir noen ord om lyden når den tid kommer :)


Må vel være mulig å få ordnet noe i den dur ja :)

Må vel være mulig å få ordnet noe i den dur ja  :)

"Here are my impressions of both players.

SACD Listening

When we first listened to the Meitner combo on an SACD classical piece, my

initial impression was that it sounded very, very good. world-class, in

fact. The soundstage was wide, the instruments were well articulated, the

sense of presence was excellent, dynamics were very good, top end extension

was good and bass was good. There was no smearing to the sound and it had

great PRAT. Overall I felt the Meitner was an excellent sounding digital

player. In fact if I hadn't heard the APL Denon, I would have left the

listening session feeling that the Meitner was one of - if not "THE" - very

best digital players I'd ever head. Interestingly, as I reflect on the

listening session, when I heard the Meitner, my focus of attention was on

"the Meitner" and how well it conveyed the music being played. Almost like

walking through a mall and window shopping at a jewelry store, but focusing

on how nicely the display was decorated and how well it presented the items

being offered (instead of the jewelry itself).

On to the APL Denon. When we played the same classical track on the APL

Denon, it was a completely different experience compared to what I heard on

the Meitner. The best way to describe my reaction was "jaw dropping".

My reaction was that what I was hearing was NOT digital music reproduction

at all. Let me repeat, what I heard through the APL Denon did NOT sound

digital at all! Call it analog sounding, or whatever you want, but it was

without a doubt, very, very different than ANY other digital player I've

EVER heard. Specifically, the dynamics had much more impact and were much

more realistic compared to the Meitner, the bass extension was much greater

and deeper, the individual instruments were much more palpable and

articulate. Another thing that stood out for me was the dimensionality on

the APL Denon. The music seemed to have much more depth, giving me a greater

sense of being in the presence of the performance. Also, the ambient

retrieval of information in the recording venue was vastly superior on the

Denon. For example, I could hear the bass reverberate off the walls of the

venue much more realistically compared to what I heard with the Meitner. The

layering of instruments on the Denon far surpassed the Meitner. While

listening to music through the Denon, there was a far greater sense of being

in the presence of the orchestra.

Back to the window shopping analogy, I felt like instead of focusing on "how

good this machine plays music" (focus on the player) I found myself

forgetting about the player and focusing, listening, enjoying - evening

seeing - the actual musical performance. Once again, I found that listening

to music through the APL Denon is so far from listening to "digital" that

it's almost hard to call the APL Denon a digital player. In my experience,

the APL Denon lets a listener experience as close to a live musical

performance as possible from a medium that happens to be digital.

Red Book

On the Red Book track we listened to, my initial reaction was mixed when

comparing the Meitner to the APL Denon. The second time we listened to the

track, we raised the volume on both players to a more comfortable listening

level. a level that more easily revealed the differences between the two

players. While one of the members seemed to prefer the tonality of the

instruments through the Meitner, I felt that what the APL Denon was

revealing was much more true-to-life compared to the Meitner. So far, on Red

Book, my impressions mirrored those while listening to SACD, but to a lesser

degree. When we switched the APL Denon to the slow-rolloff mode, my initial

reaction was that the instruments sounded different tonally and the highs

were not quite as extended compared to the fast rolloff setting. However, in

comparing the APL Denon in slow rolloff to the Meitner, I still felt the APL

Denon revealed greater dimensionality and layering of instruments, greater

dynamics and much better bass compared to the Meitner. After listening with

the slow rolloff setting on the APL Denon, I felt that further listening was

needed to draw any final conclusions (between the fast and slow rolloff


In this context, I would summarize my impressions comparing the Meitner

DCC2 to the APL Denon 3910:

Meitner DCC2 playing SACD

--comparative strengths - None

--comparative weaknesses - Compared to the APL Denon, the dynamics, bass

extension, the soundstage depth and layering of information, and the ambient

retrieval of information was not as true-to-life on the Meitner compared to

the APL Denon.

APL Denon playing SACD

--comparative strengths - Dynamics were far better on the APL Denon compared

to the Meitner, bass extension was much better on the APL Denon,

dimensionality was much more realistic sounding on the APL Denon, ambient

retrieval of information of the recording venue was "scary realistic" on the

APL player compared to the Meitner, individual instruments were much more

palpable sounding on the APL compared to the Meitner.

--comparative weaknesses - None

Meitner DCC2 playing Red Book

--comparative strengths - None

--comparative weaknesses - Similar weaknesses as on SACD including, dynamics

not as good compared to the APL Denon, the soundstage depth and layering of

instruments were not as good compared to the APL Denon, and the ambience was

not as realistic as compared to the APL Denon.

APL Denon playing Red Book

--comparative strengths - Similar strengths as on SACDs, but to a lesser

degree compared to SACD (at least on track we listened to during the

listening session) --comparative weaknesses - None

APL Denon playing Red Book with slow rolloff --comparative strengths - Once

again, seemed to convey the music in a more realistic manner, including

dynamics, bass, highs, soundstage depth, layering and dimensionality.

--comparative weaknesses - None.

One final comment I'd like to make is that in my experience (as demonstrated

toward the end of the listening session), cabling and isolation control are

important elements in tuning a system. And during the listening session, we

attempted to isolate all variables except the players so we could attempt an

"apples to apples" comparison. But we did this by using the cabling and

isolation that were available by one of our members (thanks Tim!). But I

think all members would agree, the cabling and isolation on both systems

were far from optimal. So the last thing I'd like to say is that what we

heard during the listening session is just a taste of what both of these

machines are capable of. With the right cables, isolation control and

"tuning" I'm quite certain both of these players can produce even more

"magic" that what we heard.

Gary G"

Dette er San Diego Music and Audio Guilds test, der Emmlabs eiere, butikkeiere har en "shootout". Dette er opp mot den tidligere toppmodellen til 6500 dollar :o APL 3910.

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